MARRAKECH (MOROCCO) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – “The macroeconomic prospects of the global markets are weak and highly uncertain. Global growth will slow down significantly in 2023 and 2024 and the risks are clearly oriented downwards, reflecting not only the loss of momentum in some sectors, but also the possibility that climate and geopolitical tensions could trigger further increase in food and energy prices”. The Governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco Made this observation while addressing the 108th meeting of the Development Committee of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in Marrakech.
“While savings are still high, albeit slightly in decline,” he added, “most of the emerging countries and in the developing world remains highly vulnerable to global risks. In this context it is fundamental the action from multilateral and international financial institutions to provide rapid support to the most vulnerable countries, build inclusive and resilient economies and generate sustainable growth”.
For Visco the earthquake in Morocco and the floods in Libya “renew attention to the need to strengthen the resilience to extreme natural events”. “Our most sincere condolences go to the many thousands of people injured and displaced,”
he added.
Visco declared, “we remain inspired by the Ukrainian people, who continues to face Russian aggression with courage and determination”, while expressed strong support for Israel and unequivocal condemnation of the appalling and vile terrorism acts by Hamas”.
– Photo: Agenzia Fotogramma –