KYIV (UKRAINE) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – In a message on Telegram, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky Business spoke about “a trip to the region of Kherson to coordinate a meeting on how to deal with the consequences caused by the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric dam”.
On Telegram, the President of Ukraine referred to the “many important issues that were discussed,” in particular the operational situation in the region following the disaster, the evacuation of the population from potential flooded areas, the end of the emergency caused by the explosion, and the organization of vital support earmarked for the flooded areas. In addition, he referred to the prospects for restoring the ecosystem of region and the operational military situation in the area of the disaster.
The Ukrainian President spoke about the importance to establish the damages and allocate funds to compensate the residents affected by the disaster and to develop a program to offset the losses or transfer the enterprises within the Kherson region”.
– photo Agenziafotogramma.it –