ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Two out of five households in Ukraine are in dire need of livelihoods and basic necessities, and the country is facing unprecedented rates of displacement, inflation and unemployment a year after the conflict. The alarm was raised today by Save the Children, the international organization that has been fighting for over 100 years to save the lives of girls and boys and guarantee them a future.
According to the latest Multisectoral Needs Report on Ukraine, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Community Affairs (OCHA) more than 40% of households reported that they are having difficulty to meet their daily needs for food, water and supplies of basic necessities, and in the areas mostly affected by the fighting in the east and south of the country, the rate rises to 60%. The National Bank of Ukraine last month estimated an inflation rate of 25%, with the cost of products rising by half in the eastern regions. In September, one in five consumers in Ukraine said they could not afford the products available in stores.
In Ukraine, 5.3 million people are still away from home and the need for financial assistance for displaced families is growing by the day. One in four people is currently unemployed because many struggle to find stable work in their temporary place of residence.
“Families in Ukraine are living in extreme need which is getting worse every day as the war plunges more and more children and parents into poverty”, said Sonia Khush, Director of Save the Children Ukraine. “People are losing their sources of income as businesses across the country are closing and there are no wages. It is a devastating situation for displaced families, who have already lost almost everything because of the war and are now on the brink of survival. Ukrainian families need humanitarian support and the international community must commit itself to help in the recovery of this generation, ensuring these children and young people, together with their families, safe and dignified living conditions, but also to give a future to the children who are the next generation of Ukraine, but their development and future are severely hampered by the ongoing conflict”, concluded Sonia Khush.
– photo Agenziafotogramma.it –