Tunisia, presidential electoral campaign kicks off

Roma - Senato Vertice Italia Africa dal titolo ItaliAfrica A bridge common growth nella foto Kaïs Saïed Presidente Tunisia (Roma - 2024-01-29, Stefano Carofei) p.s. la foto e' utilizzabile nel rispetto del contesto in cui e' stata scattata, e senza intento diffamatorio del decoro delle persone rappresentate

TUNISI (TUNISIA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The electoral campaign for Tunisiàs upcoming presidential election, set for October 6, officially began and will continue until October 4, two days before the election.
Tunisiàs Independent High Authority for elections (ISIE) announced the final list of three candidates: incumbent President Kais Saied, seeking a second term; Zouhair Maghzaoui, Secretary-General of the Peoplès Movement party; and Ayachi Zammel, Secretary-General of the Azimoun Movement, who remains detained over election-related charges.
The electoral campaigns began two days earlier abroad, targeting over 1.8 million Tunisian expatriates, including 620,000 registered voters.
Meanwhile, the authorities in Tunisia have arrested at least 80 members of the largest opposition party, party officials said. Ennahda, the Islamist party that rose to power in the aftermath of the country’s Arab Spring, said that at least 80 men and women from the party had been apprehended as part of a countrywide sweep that ensnared members from 10 regions. In a statement, Ennahda called the arrests “an unprecedented campaign of raids and violations of the most basic rights guaranteed by law.” The party had counted at least 80 arrests and was in the process of confirming at least 116 total, including six women, lawyer Latifa Habbechi said.

– Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma –


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