The first MEDREG Presidents’ Meeting was held in Rome, the meeting of the presidents of the Mediterranean energy regulation authorities, who met to share best practices in renewable energy development and analyze the growing role of the gas in the area, in order to improve regulation and promote international cooperation. At the event, opened by Stefano Besseghini, MEDREG vice president and president of ARERA and by Gülefþan Demirbaþ, president of MEDREG, the association of Mediterranean regulators that brings together 27 regulators from 22 countries of the European Union, the Balkans and North Africa, participated also the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economic Development Alessandra Todde, the presidents of French regulators Jean-François Carenco (CRE), Moroccan Abdellatif Bardach (ANRE), Egyptian Karem Mahmoud (GASREG) and Albanian Petrit Ahmeti (ERE), and the managing directors of Enel Green Power, Antonio Cammisecra, and Snam, Marco Alverà.
In recent years, thanks to the cooperation of the Regulators in MEDREG, a series of reports have been prepared in preparation for the development of regulation: from smart grids, to renewable energy auctions, from gas extraction and storage infrastructures to competition in the gas market. Furthermore, the association has developed best practices on tariff methodologies, transparency, allocation capacity and third party access to the Mediterranean region. In addition to this workshops, training courses and other studies for its members were organized, aimed at supporting regulators in exercising their prerogatives for the creation of a competitive and efficient energy market. The statements “The Mediterranean is our present and represents the future opportunities in our region – said Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economic Development Alessandra Todde – The interconnections and energy investments will certainly strengthen our historical relations to promote social and economic growth”.
“MEDREG is a very important platform to share experiences and develop a common understanding of the main problems and challenges currently faced by the Mediterranean energy regulators and this cooperation will have to be translated more and more into common actions with concrete and evident results”, commented Stefano Besseghini, MEDREG vice president and ARERA president, opening the meeting. “The more our challenges grow, the more important it is to be able to count on a network of national regulatory authorities that share the Mediterranean borders and work towards greater interconnection and compatibility of laws between countries in order to establish efficiency and competition for the Mediterranean energy market with possible benefits for all “declared Ms. Gülefþan Demirbaþ, president of MEDREG, the association of Mediterranean regulators that brings together 27 regulators from 22 countries of the European Union, the Balkans and North Africa.
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