LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The Maltese authorities are under continuos pressure after failing to take action to save two groups of migrants who are currently in distress in Maltàs search and resue zone. The first group of 40 migrants is reported to be in severe distress in Maltàs SAR region after they fled from Libya. The NGO Alarm Phone said that the migrants are extremely exhausted, and they don’t have neither water nor food.
The second group of 45 migrants has been lost at sea for several days in the Maltese SAR zone. The migrants fled from Egypt and were reported to be in difficulties in south of Crete. The NGO Alarm Phone confirmed that the Maltese and Greek authorities were alerted “but while Malta did not confirm if a resue operation was underway, the Greek authrities denied any responsability and requested the NGO to ask for the Maltese authorities to intervene. Alarm Phone asked the Armed Forces of Malta “to fulfil its duty” and “to stop playing with peoplès lives”.
-credit photo agenziafotogramma.it-