Right to Education, Italy to become Vice-President of Ecsta

ROME (ITALY) – Emilio Di Marzio, President pro tempore of ANDISU, the Italian association of student affairs bodies, last night was elected for the next two years as Vice President of ECSTA, the umbrella organization that represents the student services bodies from all european countries, Turkey included, in favour of more than 20 millions of university students.

‘This is a strategic role for Italy, with the aim of promoting the social dimension of higher education in Europe, understanding differences, promoting professional exchange of student affairs staff and the mobility of university students within the framework of the Bologna process’ – says Di Marzio.

‘Best residence halls and dining services, more financial aids, wider social and psycological counseling for students could make a fairer environment for european students, especially disadvantaged students. We should mantain a continuous confrontation with European Commission on these issues. So, I am very grateful to my colleagues for this opportunity and my best wishes to the elected President of ECSTA Matthias Anbuhl (Deutsches Studierendenwerk  President) and to all my fellow board members’ – concludes Di Marzio.

– Photo Press office Andisu –


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