ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – “I am thinking of a Europe that is not hostage to the parties, becoming prey to self-referential populisms, but which neither transforms itself into a fluid, if not gaseous, reality, into a sort of abstract supranationalism, forgetful of the lives of peoples.” This was stated by Pope Francis while addressing the authorities, civil society and the Diplomatic Corps, in the hall of the former Carmelite Monastery at the Sandor Palace in Budapest.
The Pontiff added “this is the nefarious path of ‘ideological colonizations’, which eliminate differences, as in the case of the so-called gender culture, or when reductive concepts of freedom are put before the reality of life, for example by boasting a senseless ‘right to abortion’ as a conquest, which is always a tragic defeat”.
Pope Francis remarked “on the other hand, how wonderful it is to build a Europe centered on the person and nations, where there are effective policies for the birth rate and the family, where different nations are a family in which the growth and uniqueness of each other are preserved”.
He referred to the theme of hospitality, which arouses many debates in our days and is certainly complex. “We need to face the problem without excuses or delays. It is a theme to be faced together, as a community, also because, in the context in which we live, the consequences will sooner or later have repercussions on everyone. Therefore it is urgent, as Europe, to work on safe and legal ways, on shared mechanisms in the face of an epochal challenge that cannot be stemmed by rejecting, but must be accepted to prepare a future which, if not will be together, it will not happen”, Pope Francis concluded.
– photo Agenziafotogramma.it –