Middle East, Crosetto in Saudi Arabia “Avoid escalation”

ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – “Italy is following with great attention and equal concern the current situation in the Middle East, a crisis which could cause serious repercussions on the stability of the region with the risk of an escalation in the Mediterranean. For this reason, the Defense and the Italian Government are working in an attempt to promote dialogue and peace. In this perspective Saudi Arabia plays a strategic role in the stabilization process of the entire area.”This was emphasized by the Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto at the end of his visit in Saudi Arabia where he met his counterpart, Prince Khalid Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz.
The two Ministers discussed current issues, highlighting the common commitment to strengthening dialogue and collaboration between Saudi Arabia and Italy. They also focused their discussion on the stability and security of all the Mediterranean region.
“The stabilization of the Sahel area and the all
the Mediterranean region represents a priority for security, and Italy, through highly inclusive and representative political dialogue, will continue to work to avoid further deteriorations of the current situation, especially in the Middle East, so that a “line of no return” is not crossed,” Crosetto said.
On the Sahel region he added: “The dynamics of the area are reflected on the European continent. The delicate situation is aggravated by demographic dynamics and the weakness of institutions, as well by the predatory posture of some international figures. This is why the Italian Government is promoting a renewed “Mattei Plan” which allows the countries of the region to exploit the natural riches at their disposal in order to increase the well-being of their population and strengthen their economies”.
Crosetto declared that Italy is ready to explore new areas of collaboration to increase the interoperability of the Armed Forces of the two countries for the benefit of security and stability in the Mediterranean area and the Arabian Gulf.
Currently there are already several Saudi officers carrying out training sessions in Italy, at the Military Academies, the flight schools of the Air Force or at the Centro Alti Studi of the Defence.
The meeting was also an opportunity to deepen the dialogue between the two countries and to thank the Italian Embassy staff “for the commitment aimed at strengthening friendly relations and cooperation between Italy and Saudi Arabia”.
Crosetto will be visiting Qatar for further official meetings.

– Photo press office ministry of Defence –


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