Mattarella to the King of Jordan “Exemplary mediation in Middle East”

Il Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella incontra S.M. Abdullah II, Re di Giordania (foto di Francesco Ammendola - Ufficio per la Stampa e la Comunicazione della Presidenza della Repubblica)

ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – “For Italy it is always an honour to have you here in Rome and for me it is an honour and a pleasure to welcome you here at the Quirinale. Your presence here in Rome in this moment of particular difficulty is very important to be able to exchange opinions and analyze together the complicated situation in which our common neighborhood is evolving and it is very important for us to be able to maintain close coordination with Jordan, because your country, Your Majesty, is carrying out an exemplary work of coordination, mediation and connection in the region. We are close and support the action that Jordan is carrying out with such importance”. This was stated by the President of the Republic of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, during a meeting with King Abdullah II of Jordan.

“Thank you very much, as always, for your kind hospitality and it is an honour for me and my delegation to be here in Rome. These are difficult times for our region, but there are also many opportunities if we work together to make our part of the world a better place,” said the Jordanian sovereign.

“We value the special relationship we have with Italy. This is an opportunity for me to thank your forces once again for providing helicopters to transport supplies together with our vehicles to Gaza a few weeks ago. We continue to look at the humanitarian challenges facing the people of Gaza and the West Bank. Italy has historically played an extremely important role in our part of the world. I believe that the opportunities before us – whether in Lebanon, in Syria, and hopefully on the path to peace between Israelis and Palestinians – make your country an essential partner for all of us as we move forward together”.

– Photo Quirinale press office –


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