Maltàs PM “Europe can be secure if its neighbours are secure and at peace”

VALLETTA (ITALPRESS/MNA) – While addressing the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, the Maltese Prime Minister emphasized, “Europe can only be secure and at peace if its neighbours are secure and at peace”.
“Malta has a unique political and geographical position. At the heart of the Mediterranean, a bridge between Europe and North Africa, and the crossroads of Europe and the Middle East. A full member of the EU, but with neutrality enshrined in our constitution. Two words sum-up the role I believe Malta can and does play. Honest broker”, he said.
Speaking on Maltàs term on the Security Council, the Maltese Premier referred to the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza. “We used our seat on the Security Council to work for Resolution 2712, which demanded urgent and extended humanitarian pauses and the provision of corridors through Gaza to supply critical supplies needed by so many civilians, not least children,” he said.
The resolution also called for the release of hostages held captive by Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza. “We are proud that this led to the release of 105 hostages during the negotiated seven-day pause.”
The Prime Minister said that the global community must ensure that war does not engulf the wider middle-east region.
“Furthermore, it is imperative that we, as a global community, do not lose focus on those other parts of the world where war and the killing of civilians is also all too present, and all too tragic, a daily reality. Sudan, Yemen, Syria and, of course, Ukraine”, he said.
Abela also spoke about the country’s southern neighbour Libya, saying Malta “can and must help”. However he added: “But for the process to truly succeed, it must be Libyan led and Libyan owned. To which end, we unequivocally call for the immediate withdrawal of all foreign forces, fighters and mercenaries from Libya. And Malta re-emphasises the need for a full impletion of the Libyan arms embargo in line with all the relevant Security Council resolutions”.
The Maltese PM said that peace and humanitarian budgets, which are at the heart of the UN’s mission, remain severely underfunded, harshly impacting too many of the world’s most vulnerable people.
The Maltese Premier referred to the need to address climate change as a global community. “Delay and prevarication simply aren’t options. Climate change must remain at the top of the global agenda,” Abela said.
He highlighted the importance of the ‘Islands for Islands’ initiative, saying it is central to Maltàs foreign policy. “As sea levels become an ever-greater concern so does the health of our seas and oceans become ever greater a priority. Malta remains, and will always remain, at the forefront of efforts to protect our oceans”.
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