The number of cases of people with coronavirus in Malta rose to three. The Italian parents of the 12-year-old girl who was found positive for the virus this morning were tested positive this evening. Her sister was not testedpositivefor coronavirus. The Maltese government has stated that the situation is controlled and maintained within the family. When the family returned to Malta from Italy, they followed the advice of the Maltese health authorities and remained in quarantine. “The children didn’t go to school and the parents didn’t go to work or leftthe house,” said Chris Fearne, the Maltese health minister. The health authoritiesin Malta reiterated that these three cases were held in solitary confinement atMater Dei hospital. To date, 181 medical tests have been done on people who entered Malta from the countries affected by this virus and have developed symptoms similar to those of the coronavirus. Another 157 people were monitored. But according to the Maltese government all 338 people were negative for COVID 19. Meanwhile, an isolation ward with 18 beds is already prepared at Mater Dei hospital, with another 12 beds placed in another area of the hospital. Plans are also underway to use the 60 beds in Sir PaulBoffa hospital if the need arises in the future. Health superintendent Dr Charmaine Gauci stressed the need to limit non-essential travel to Asia and Italy, particularly in the regions of Piedmont, Veneto and Emilia Romagna. Maltese unions are putting pressure on the Maltese government to stop all flights from Italy, but the Maltese government has confirmed that there is no need to make this decision at this time.
Malta, three Italian coronavirus positive
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