LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – A law introducing harsher penalties for traffic contraventions approved by the Maltese Parliament came into force today. The increased fines and penalty points for traffic contraventions were first announced last February and come into effect following last year’s record in road fatalities. Some of the fines will double to 200, including running on a red light and using a mobile phone while driving. Drivers who are caught using a phone while on the road will also have anything between six and nine penalty points deducted from their license. This means that those caught doing so twice within 12 months will temporarily lose their license. Meanwhile, the Maltese government announced the setting up of a bureau to investigate road accidents that will start functioning by the end of this year as part of a new policy towards safer transport in Malta. Last year was Maltàs deadliest on record for road fatalities. 26 people died, including 14 pedestrians. Meanwhile, the number of reported traffic accidents during the first quarter of 2023 reached 3,822, an increase of 6.3 percent over the same period in 2022. Road traffic casualties increased by 13.3 percent to 367 over the same period in 2022. Grievously injured persons amounted to 96 and consisted of 52 drivers, eight passengers, and 36 pedestrians and cyclists amongst others. The Maltese government embarked on a series of measures to make Maltese roads safer. Besides the investigative bureau, the increase in fines and penalty points for dangerous driving, and increasing enforcement, the transport authorities launched the first phase of a 35 million plan to make walking and cycling safer.
-credit photo agenziafotogramma.it-