LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA)- Malta has registered the highest number of deaths caused by COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic. The local health authorities confirmed that in the last 24 hours six more patients lost their life while Covid positive – three men aged 45, 75, 79 and and three elderly women aged 75, 79 and 97. So far, 520 people lost their life due to the virus. 94 patients are receiving treatment for COVID-19 at Mater Dei hospital. Eight are in intensive care. According to the daily medical bullettin, 286 new cases were registered. With 552 recoveries, the total number of active cases is 8,698. Meanwhile, the Maltese government is facing more international criticism following the new COVID measures that came into force on January, 17. The council representing the European airports appealed the European Commission to investigate the Maltese government for breaching the EU travel rules. Director General Olivier Jankovec said airports would be “extremely grateful” if the Commission investigates the matter “urgently,” contacts the Maltese authorities and asks them to abide by the EU’s rules.
According to the new rules, the Maltese vaccine certificates for adults over 18 years will only be valid for initial vaccine cycles done within the past three months or boosters within the past nine months.