Malta registered the second lowest unemployment rate in the EU

LA VALLETTA (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Malta had the second lowest unemployment rate among all the European Union countries, and the fourth least unemployment rate among young people during September.
Malta and Poland had the second lowest unemployment rate at 2.8%. The Czech Republic had the lowest unemployment rate at 2.7%.
On the other hand, the highest unemployment rates were registered in Spain (12%), Greece (10%) and Sweden (7.8%).
Maltàs unemployment rate of 2.8%, was 3.7% less than the euro zone average. The unemployment in the euro zone remained at 6.5%, an increase of 0.1% over last August. The rate of unemployment in the EU was 6%.
The Eurostat said that in September, 14.3% or just over 2.7 million Europeans under 25 years were seeking employment within the EU.
According to the figures, at 5.8% Germany had the lowest unemployment rate in this category, followed by Lithuania at 8.6%, the Netherlands at 8.8% and Malta at 9%. The highest rates were registered in Spain at 27.8%, followed by Sweden and Italy at 21.9%.
-foto Agenzia Fotogramma –

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