Malta, Muscat has been interrogated over Caruana Galizia’s assassination

Former Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat declared that he was not under investigation after he was called at the Police headquarters to be interrogated on issues related to the assassination of maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. The interrogation took over an hour.

In a brief statement outside the Police headquarters, Muscat said that he had answered all questions put to him by the police. “The police spoke to me on matters which had already been raised in the media”. However, he did not specify the issues discussed.

The former Maltese Prime Minister has been interrogated about claims made by Yorgen Fenech, the Maltese businessman and the mastermind behind Caruana Galiziàs assassination. According to these claims, Muscat has asked Fenech whether his Chief of Staff Keith Schembri was mentioned in the recordings made by Melvin Theuma, the man who was granted a presidential pardon to tell all about Daphne Caruana Galiziàs murder.
MaltaToday is reporting that Fenech told police that in 2019 there were two occasions when he discussed Melvin Theuma with Joseph Muscat. The first occasion was at Muscat’s birthday party which was held in the Prime Minister’s official summer residence in Girgenti and the second time during a meeting with Muscat and Schembri at the Office of the Prime Minister in Valletta.


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