Malta, health authorities urging to take the Covid-19 booster

Preparation vaccin Novavax (Seringue, aiguille, Flacon de 10 doses) Vaccin Covid-19, Novavax, (Novavax, Nuvaxovid, Covovax, NVX-CoV2373) disponible dans les Centre de Vaccination de Nice. A partir de 18 ans, vaccin sous-unitaire utilisant la proteine recombinante Spike S du virus Sars-CoV-2, associee a un adjuvant, le Matrix-M. Conformement aux avis de la Haute autorite de sante (HAS) et du Conseil d'orientation de la strategie vaccinale (COSV), alternative efficace aux vaccins a ARN messager. Administration de deux doses a 21 jours d'intervalle. Centre de vaccin rue Hancy, Nice FRANCE - 04/03/2022 (NICE - 2022-03-04, SYSPEO / p.s. la foto e' utilizzabile nel rispetto del contesto in cui e' stata scattata, e senza intento diffamatorio del decoro delle persone rappresentate

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The Maltese health authorities will be offering the latest annual Covid-19 booster as the immunity is starting to diminish. The Health Ministry noted that taking an annual booster vaccination dose remains very important, especially for vulnerable people.
The health authorities observed a noticeable increase in reported cases of positive COVID-19 cases during this summer, with the average number of weekly cases in Malta rising to 143.75 between July 24 and 20 August, compared to 80.75 weekly cases between 26 June and 23 July. “The increase in cases is not limited to Malta, as other EU countries have also reported rising case numbers, according to the ECDC,” the Ministry noted.
Fortunately, despite the rise in new cases, the mortality rates attributed to Covid-19 have not increased, the Ministry said. “This is due to the fact that a very high proportion of the Maltese population is vaccinated.”
The Ministry also said that the highest incidence of cases is mainly noted in those over 65 years of age. The Maltese health authorities are encouraging the public to take necessary prevention measures for respiratory illness including staying home in isolation if symptomatic, testing, washing hands, and keeping up to date with vaccinations.

– foto: Agenzia Fotogramma –


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