Malta, health authorities confirm spread of coronavirus
The coronavirus continued to spread in Malta. The Public Health Authorities today announced 19 new cases of COVID 19, reaching a total of 129. This is the highest number of cases registered since the start of the outbreak on March, 7.
While addressing a press conference, the Supretendent for Public Health Prof. Charmaine Gauci confirmed that eight of the new reported cases were imported from the United Kingdom, Spain, Austria and Poland. Another four new cases are related to other patients who were already confirmed positive and the seven other, five Maltese, an Italian and a Chinese were local transmissions.
All 129 patients are in good health, although an elderly man, 61, is still receiving treatment in the Intensive Care Unit at Mater Dei Hospital.
The local health authorities are making daily appeals to the public to remain indoors as much as possible to avoid any contact with other people as more new cases are expected to be recorded.