The Malta Blockchain Summit, an international event dedicated to DLTs (Distributed Ledger Technologies), was held in Malta. Over 8.000 people including investors, companies and specialists in the sector participated.

The smallest member of the European Union has decided to focus strongly on this type of technology and has established itself as a Blockchain Island, also thanks to the promptness with which the government has approved several bills that regulate the sector.

The presence of a precise legislative framework has attracted the interest of many companies that offer services that are based on this new technology, and that see in Malta the ideal environment to carry out their operations. 

The Summit opened with the presence of Joseph Muscat, Maltese Prime Minister, who stressed that “the blockchain seed landed on fertile soil here. We began watering it to ensure it grows in an organic way, building the blocks to ensure that it will bear fruit when the time is right”.

During the course of the summit, the issues of legislation, transparency, the relationship between decentralization and government, cryptocurrencies, investments in the sector, the protection of operators and the numerous applications of DLTs were analyzed.

The stand area welcomed 300 exhibitors, including cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency exchange services, government agencies and law firms. The technological part was not exclusively limited to blockchain, as it also extended to the fields of artificial intelligence and quantum technology and the Internet of Things with their application in many sectors, from medicine to agriculture, from transport to customer service.

The Malta Blockchain Summit also featured a Start-up Village, sponsored by Malta Enterprise, the Maltese government agency for economic development, which is also responsible for attracting foreign direct investment to Malta. The Start-up Village gave the opportunity to 40 start-ups to show their technological offer to over 1000 investors. “Malta Enterprise has, among its main objectives, that to promote and support new business ideas”, explained Anthony David Gatt, Malta Enterprise Investment Promotion Manager. 

“We strongly believe that new technologies, such as blockchain, internet of things and artificial intelligence, represent the future for almost all productive sectors. For this reason we have invited 40 start-ups to the Malta Blockchain Summit, and we are confident that many of them will choose Malta as a base for their activities, taking full advantage of the opportunities that Malta offers not only from a legislative point of view, but also specifically from the direct support that Malta Enterprise provides to young companies that invest in technology”.



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