LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Following the win of the Maltese national football team against Israel in Ta ‘Qali last night, the Italian coach Davide Mazzotta said that “the Maltese players have dedicated this victory to Mister Mangia”. Hours before the friendly match between Malta and Israel which Malta won 2-1, the Malta Football Association announced that coach Devis Mangia had been temporarily suspended as head coach of the national teams following a report received on a alleged violation of its policies. According to the local media, Mangia was called to respond to allegations of “sexual harassment” against a player of the Maltese national team. According to the Maltese Federation, Mangia has declared his willingness to cooperate during the investigation to establish the facts. Mazzotta also stated that he does not know what will happen in the next days but NET News is reporting that it can confirm that in the last few hours another football player has come forward who is alleging abusive behavior on the part of the national coach Devis Mangia.
So far the name of this second national player is also still unknown, although it seems that the case is very similar in nature to what was revealed yesterday. According to NET News, the first case which was made public yesterday, seems to have happened more than a year ago and allegedly there are recordings that are evidence of what happened. The first player who had the courage to expose with the relevant authorities what he went through, was part of the Maltese contingent in Estonia last Friday. The Malta Football Association received a report on the alleged sexual misconduct by the national football coach Mangia last Sunday. Now, he has two cases brought forward against him by Maltese national football players. The police in Malta is also investigating the recorded evidence that alleges Mangias sexual harassment while the latest developments were discussed on Wednesday evening by the Executive Board of the Malta Football Association. The meeting was very cordial, during which it was decided that there would be a period of three weeks when the Executive Committee is expected to receive the recommendations on what action should be taken. In the meantime, Devis Mangia, will remain suspended while receiving half of his salary.
During the Executive meeting held this evening, the President of the Malta Football Association Bjorn Vassallo gave a detailed explanation about the due diligence that was done before Devis Mangia was hired as coach of the Maltese national team. The due diligence included meetings that Vassallo had personally with Mangia’s international contacts including very high officials employed by Coverciano and the FIGC in Italy, as well as within the Romanian Football Association.
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