ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – “An Air Force C130 has already left this morning to transport the first humanitarian aid to the Palestinian population. The flight, organized in cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the UN and the Red Crescent, is about to arrive in Egypt from where the aid will be transported to Gaza via the Rafah crossing. Furthermore, several naval units have been ready for days which will transport further aid, if security conditions allow it, to provide humanitarian support to the population affected by the ongoing conflict in the Middle East”. This was stated by the Minister of Defense, Guido Crosetto, in a statement.
He also announced Defense vehicles will be used to transport humanitarian aid to Gaza from the Mediterranean. The multipurpose offshore patrol vessel, Thaon di Revel, of the Military Navy, has already been sent to Cyprus in recent days, following a decision taken by the Defense Minister himself while two other Multimission Frigates of the Military Navy and an ‘amphibious unit’ are also prepared for their mission.
The Minister added, “further shipments of humanitarian aid prepared by the Defense Ministry are expected in the coming days”, but he reiterated: “it is necessary to make a clear distinction between Hamas, which is a dangerous terrorist organization that aims to destroy the State of Israel , and the present and future destiny of the Palestinian people who are suffering, through no fault of their own, with many deaths and tragedies. This is why the Ministry of Defense is ready, with all its assets, to do everything possible to help the civilian population and, as soon as possible, provide basic necessities and goods, as well as evacuate civilians, both foreigners, Israelis and Arabs, who request it for health reasons”.
In conclusion, the Minister recalled that “Italy is working 360 degrees, through all its government representatives, to achieve a de-escalation of the conflict as soon as possible. However, it would be truly dramatic if the ongoing war, starting from Israel’s understandable reaction and its consequent military counter-offensive on the ground, inflamed the Islamic world and triggered a new war between the West and Islam”.
– Photo: Agenzia Fotogramma –