RABAT (MOROCCO) (ITALPRESS) – Morocco takes a leading role in global human rights governance. Amina Bouayach, president of Morocco’s National Council for Human Rights (CNDH), was unanimously elected to lead the World Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI). The vote took place during the General Assembly of GANHRI, held in Geneva in conjunction with the 58th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council.
According to the MAP agency, the candidacy of the president of the CNDH has returned the presidency of GANHRI to Africa after ten years. In her first speech as president of GANHRI, Amina Bouayach said she was honored by the trust she had received from African representatives and the international community. She stressed the need for collective action to address global challenges: from the defense of fundamental freedoms to the impact of new technologies, from climate change to economic inequalities.
– photo CNDH –