LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Italian singer Gianni Morandi will be giving a concert in Malta in August. The concert will take place on 12 August at Fort Manoel on Manoel island and is being organised by Malta Globe Music. Morandi will visit Malta as part of his tour ‘Go Gianni Go!’. The last time Gianni Morandi was in Malta was in 2019. He wowed his fans at the MFCC in Tà Qali with his best hits such as “Occhi di ragazza,” “Scende la pioggia,” and “La fisarmonica”. During his first visit, Morandi described it as “always emotional.” Morandi added that he likes Malta very much and wishes to come for a holiday, to sing and if everything goes well on a holiday with my wife.” In February, Morandi presented Sanremo along with Amadeus.
Foto: agenziafotogramma.it