France, Italian terrorists will not be extradited

PARIGI: FOTO PANORAMICA DI TETTI DI PARIGI, CASE, ABITAZIONI, EDILIZIA A PARIGI, MANSARDE, ABBAINI, COMIGNOLI, CAMINI (PARIGI - 2008-11-09, Matteo Pellegrinuzzi) p.s. la foto e' utilizzabile nel rispetto del contesto in cui e' stata scattata, e senza intento diffamatorio del decoro delle persone rappresentate

ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The French Supreme Court of Appeal has confirmed the refusal to extradite ten former Red Brigades Italian terrorists, which have been living in France for decades, convicted of terrorist acts in Italy. The court upheld the decision of the Paris Court of Appeal, which in June 2022 already opposed to the extradition because the former terrorists are entitled to a fair trial.
“We take note of the decision of the French Supreme Court of Appeal, which in full autonomy decided to deny the extradition to Italy of 10 former terrorists convicted for very serious crimes committed years ago,” commented the Italian Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio, adding “Italy has done everything in its power to eliminate the political obstacle that for decades has prevented the French judiciary to evaluate our requests. I had already thanked personally, in our first meeting, colleague Eric Dupond-Moretti for having stood by Italy and for his constant attention to our requests. With him
I also had a telephone conversation, and Minister Dupond-Moretti understood our need to seek truth and justice and, giving course to our requests for extradition, he testified full
confidence of the French Government in our judiciary, which it has judged the defendants always in compliance with all guarantees”.
“Disconcerting decision by the French Supreme Court of Appeal. They reject immigrant children at the borders but spoil the assassins from the Red Brigades,” commented the Lega in a statement.

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