ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – “The health situation is increasingly tense. The spread of the Omicron variant is phenomenal, demonstrating that one cannot rely only on vaccines, including third and subsequent doses, perhaps every 6 months, to obtain partial protection. The inconsistencies of health policies in response to the pandemic contribute to generating a climate of uncertainty and mistrust in the population.
A study conducted by researchers from Sapienza University, University of Tor Vergata, IRCCS and University of San Raffaele, in collaboration with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, and the University of Miami has shown that a combination of natural substances (polyphenols and activators of sirtuins) inhibits viral replication and reduces inflammation “. Camillo Ricordi, tricolor brain in force in the USA, director of the Diabetes Research Institute and Cell Transplant Center at the University of Miami.
“Trans-resveratrol, pterostilbene, ellagic acid and onochiol are key ingredients of the A5 + compound, contained in the SIRT500 Plus product. This product was initially developed to slow down the aging processes. The results obtained on several cell lines have been the first to demonstrate once an important inhibition of viral replication, after infection with both the influenza A virus and that of Sars-CoV-2”, adds the scientist who reconstructs the genesis of the project.
“International researchers are working on a project that, born as the ‘Batman Project’ and now renamed Fit4Pandemic.org, aims to make the human species ‘resistant’ to severe viral infections, autoimmunity (from type 1 diabetes to the other 100 autoimmune diseases affecting 20% of the population) and chronic diseases linked to aging (affecting over 90% of over 65) – continues Ricordi – also associated with the serious complications of Covid-19. Bats have learned to evolve over 70-80 million years, to become resistant to such pandemics. The goal is now to make the human species resistant too.
“Studies are underway – explains Ricordi – to define the mechanisms associated with this important inhibition of viral replication in vitro, which does not appear to be limited to a single variant of the virus. These results could pave the way for the development of ‘natural’ therapeutic strategies. to mitigate or block the progression of viral infections, in addition to vaccines and other drug therapies”, remarks the scientist who laments the absence of interest from the pharmaceutical industry: “In the absence of major pharmaceutical interests, perhaps also for the simplicity of the protocol, the absence of patents and the limited costs of the proposed treatments, urgent institutional commitments and philanthropic contributions could allow to carry out the rigorous clinical verification of the proposed protocols”.
Fit4Pandemic.org and The Cure Alliance (www.the curealliance.org) launch an appeal “to identify possible collaborators, institutional and private sources of funding, in support of this initiative that could change international health perspectives, not only in the context of the Covid pandemic”, concludes Ricordi.