PALERMO (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The focus of the XVI session of Cotec Europa, which this year focuses on the theme “Innovation in financial sustainability”embraced aspects of great importance. First of all, the importance of innovation in the relationship between finance and sustainability, and how it is necessary to identify new forms of financing that can guarantee investors a transparent use of resources (ESG, Environment, Social, Governance criteria), therefore providing solutions aimed to also encourage the private sector to achieve the objectives of sustainability. The President of Italy Sergio Mattarella, the King of Spain Felipe VI, the President of Portugal Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, with the participation of the European Commissioner for the Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, and in the presence of the local authorities and others met at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo, to discuss one single aim: the achievement of the 17 stability objectives from Agenda 2030 (SDGs, sustainable development objectives) and from the Paris Climate Agreement, aimed at controlling the rise in global average temperature, reduce global climate-change emissions, develop and disseminate technologies aimed at achieving climate neutrality (zero net emissions).
The proceedings, moderated by journalist Gianni Riotta, were opened by the mayor of Palermo, Roberto Lagalla, who welcomed the guests emphasizing the importance of the city and of Sicily for the development of the Mediterranean: “Palermo becomes today, for one day, a privileged point of observation and synthesis for policies on financial sustainability and technical-scientific integration of three of the most important European countries”, said the mayor. “Sicily and Palermo,” he continued, “are a dynamic and propulsive link between the European continent and the expected development of the countries on the other side of the Mediterranean. Palermo and Sicily as a gateway to and from Europe, a plan that can be reached and not impossible”.
Following the speech by the President of Sicilian Regional Assembly, Gaetano Galvagno, the President of the Sicilian Region, Renato Schifani, took the floor, emphasizing the path already taken by the island in terms of sustainability and digital innovation: “The eco-digital transition requires investments, this great transformation will change the way of working for millions of people, it is an inevitable challenge that only responsible institutions can carry forward,”explained the Governor. “Sicily is doing and will do its part on digital and sustainable innovation. The Mediterranean serves to carry out development projects”, added the Sicilian Governor.
“It is necessary to focus on increasing investments in environmental sustainability, on a policy that decreases the progress of the global average temperature, that aims at climate neutrality, which concentrates development and cohesion proposals on innovation”. “Since 2020, our region has already shown decline in sustainable development. It is one of the first Italian regions in this sense”, Schifani highlighted. “It is the task of today’s meeting to find new solutions”, he added. “I am sure that a clear message will be sent from Palermo to identify new forms of financing that can guarantee a correct use of resources”.
During the morning session, from the greetings of the Cotec general managers of the three countries to two panels discussing innovation in financial sustainability at the center of the debate with the participation of the public and private participation, it was time for a musical interval presented by the Kids Orchestra. As the national anthems of the three countries were sung, it was the turn of the European Commissioner for the Economy, Paolo Gentiloni to deliver his speech. “The pandemic or the Russian invasion of Ukraine could have forced us to put the sustainability agenda in the background. This was not the case. These crises led us to redouble our efforts”, declared the former Italian Prime Minister, adding that “the message from Palermo and Sicily, which so many occasions development opportunities they may have in the global transition, is that Europe will continue to lead the transition towards climate sustainability, making it inclusive and just, because it is part of our DNA”. He remarked “with the European Green Deal and our Fit for 55 package, we have set new ambitious targets for emissions and placed the green transition at the centre. The stakes are truly enormous. It is a question of ushering in a new season in which we will have a more modern and responsible capitalism towards the destiny of our country”.
The three Heads of State who were greeted by a long applause during the symposium closed the event with their respective speech. previously greeted by a long applause. “Many years have passed since my first visit here, a precious bilateral relationship has been established” began his speech the King of Spain, Felipe VI. “I am sure we agree on the fact that over time our relationship has made us stronger, with greater in-depth analysis of the themes, also in the light of the problems linked to the Mediterranean. Italy, Spain and Portugal have common objectives and these last 18 years have been very fruitful, they have marked the positive evolution of our synergy in tackling the problems and carry on the challenge of sustainable technology. The performance of a country also depends on this and the efforts made to date are many. Investments can be used in different ways, bring long-range benefits, be opportunities for growth and innovation within a virtuous circle between administrators and investors to increase human and technological capital globally”.
“Here in Palermo we find ourselves at the center of the themes of climate change, sustainable development, innovation and sustainable finance,” explained the President of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo De Sousa. “This meeting demonstrates how COTEC is an alliance of visions that for almost twenty years has launched new topics such as circular economy, sustainable development, the importance of financing standards at European and global level. We are united in a European alliance, without political, regional or sectoral divisions. Here in Sicily, in Palermo, in this land of past and future, we don’t want anything to change so that everything stays the same. We want everything to really change, for the better, for the Spanish, Portuguese, Italians and for the citizens of Europe and the world.”
The sixteenth session of the Symposium ended with the speech of the President of Italy Sergio Mattarella: “Today’s meeting is a renewed opportunity to discuss issues at the heart of the international agenda. Sustainability, finance and innovation,” said the head of the Italian State, adding “these are the three key words of this meeting that challenge governments. The commitment is that of transition towards a new structure and sustainable growth, in comparison with climate change and social sustainability. Vital is, then, the creation of a virtuous process with the involvement of the private sector in partnerships that multiply spending capacity, promote the transfer of technology and the free circulation of talents, to relaunch growth, to contribute to the global objectives of sustainable development. The prosperity of the entire planet is at stake. On all of these issues; Spain, Portugal, Italy, with the European Union, can play an important role. The responsibility lies with everyone”.
– photo press office Quirinale –