VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The leader of the Nationalist Party Bernard Grech hailed the memory of Silvio Berlusconi and described him as “Prime Minister of Italy for several years, political leader and above all a great friend of Malta”.
On Twitter, the leader of the Nationalist Party recalled how Silvio Berlusconi supported Malta from the beginning on the path to joining the European Union.
Meanwhile, the Nationalist Party has expressed its condolences over Berlusconìs death, saying he was a friend of Malta who had always sought to improve bilateral relations.
He recalled that Berlusconi led Italy through the years of major political changes and had always expressed his support for Maltàs accession to the European Union and that he supported Malta as a member state.
Former Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi who met with Berlusconi on numerous occasions said “his relationship with Malta was a good and strong one.” Gonzi also referred to the various European Council meetings especially discussions on issues that were of a European dimension and of major interest for Italy and Malta. “We shared the same vision of what should be happening in the Mediterranean, especially during those moments in time when there was one crisis after another – such as the 2011 Arab Spring and the Libya uprising – and when there was need for us to work together.” He mentioned in particular the migration issue and added “there were occasions when we disagreed but in all instances, with no exceptions, Berlusconi agreed on compromised solutions that were in the best interest of Malta.”
Former Foreign Minister Tonio Borg described Berlusconi as a controversial figure for a number of reasons but, as regards to Malta, he loved Malta. “Each time we requested some help, he always said yes. He always used to seek a solution. Even after we joined the EU, Italy continued to help Malta financially.”
Meanwhile, Nationalist Party MEP David Casa remembered Silvio Berlusconi as “a colleague at the European Parliament, my personal friend and a friend of Malta.”
He added “he was a pillar of the European Peoplès Party and will remain known as one of the most memorable leaders of the Italian Republic. His political legacy will continue to influence world politics for years to come.”
Berlusconi visited Malta on several occasions, one of the most recent being the 2017 congress of the European Peoplès Party.
– photo Agenziafotogramma.it –