AMP Egadi,environmental protection laboratories in schools in Favignana

FAVIGNANA (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The value of the sea is one of the activities carried out by Marevivo for the “Egadi Islands” Marine Protected Area as part of the AMPPA project. In particular, this involves the set up of laboratories and educational courses aimed at primary and secondary school students on the following topics: MPAs and protected species and ecosystems.
Many initiatives are carried out in schools, with the aim of involving students through a training course of growth and awareness on marine ecosystem emergencies.
“My protected marine area: what can I do for my territory” is the name of the workshop, organized by Marevivo, which took place on 18 September in Favignana, involving three elementary classes. The aim was to raise awareness on the area through the study of history, natural heritage and traditions linked to fishing. The characteristics of the MPAs, the protection actions for the defense of the territory were also explained and a field trip and an ecological day are planned.
On 19 September, again in Favignana, at the “Antonino Rallo” Comprehensive Institute, a workshop entitled “A Blue Table” was organized to raise awareness on the sea and learn how to use its resources in a sustainable way.
More meetings were held for the schools, on 20 and 21 September, then again on 25 September, there is another event; “visit to the area – port and beach cleaning” and on 26 September a final event with an exhibition.
-photo Marevivo-

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