Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat declared an overwhelming victory for his Labour Party in the European elections held yesterday. The Labour Party obtained 55 percent of the votes against 37 percent of the Nationalist Opposition; a majority of about 45,000 votes.
This election result will guarantee four seats for the Labour Party in the European Parliament. This means that the Nationalist Opposition has lost one seat as expected.
In a telephone interview during a special broadcast on the national tv network, Joseph Muscat described this election victory as “historic and the largest in Maltese political history.” He claimed that yesterday’s electoral verdict is a vote against division and against those that frighten the people on issues that do not exist.
This result will put pressure on the leader of the Nationalist Party Adrian Delia to resign. There was no immediate reaction from the Leader of the Opposition.
According to statistics issued by the Electoral Commission, the lowest turnout were in the strongholds of the Nationalist Party. The turnout in yesterday’s European elections is 72.6 percent.
332,888 people were able to vote in yesterday’s European elections contested by 41 candidates, mostly on the Labor Party and the Nationalist Opposition lists. In a tweet last night, Joseph Muscat thanked everyone who voted and participated in the European and local parliamentary elections. He also thanked all Labour candidates and volunteers for their tireless work.


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