Exports of Tunisian olive oil generated revenues of 2.14 billion dinars and 215 thousand tons at the end of October 2018, according to the figures presented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, knowing that during the 2017/2018 season, olive oil production reached about 325 thousand tons, compared to 100 thousand tons of last season.

Also according to these figures, production reached 1.6 million tons of olives, which generated 325 thousand tons of oil. For comparison, last season’s olive production reached 500 thousand tons per 100 thousand tons of oil.

The exports of olive oil performed well, too, with an evolution of 156%, in value and 147% in volume.

It should be noted that the European market absorbs 70% of Tunisian exports. Between January 2018 and October 7, 2018, 44,000 tons were authorized for export under a quota (56,700 tons) established with the European Union (EU), were exported to Europe.


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