Enac in Libya, direct flights between Rome and Benghazi to resume in June

ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) –  Direct air connections between Rome and the Benghazi – Benina international airport operated by ITA Airways will resume in June. The preparations for the reactivation of this route were the focus during a meeting in Benghazi between the Italian delegation, led by Enac President Pierluigi Di Palma, and the President of the Fund for the Reconstruction of Libya Belkasem Haftar, in the presence of other Libyan collaborators. According to a statement issued by Enac, the meeting follows President Haftar’s visit to Enac last December and “consolidates the path of cooperation started months ago which highlights the firm political, institutional and entrepreneurial will to reactivate direct air connections between the two countries, also to and from the international airport of Benghazi, following that of Tripoli”.

The Italian delegation that participated in the meeting was composed of the Ambassador of Italy in Tripoli Gianluca Alberini, the Head of the Economic and Commercial Office of the Italian Embassy in Tripoli Fabio Giudice, the Consul General of Italy in Benghazi Francesco Saverio De Luigi, the President of the Italian-Libyan Chamber of Commerce Nicola Colicchi, the Central Director of Economic Programming and Infrastructure Development Claudio Eminente, the security team (Antonino Caruso, Territorial Director of Eastern Sicily, Lorena Cruciani of the Emilia Romagna Directorate, Rocco Luciani Director of the State Police of Milan Malpensa), the Director of Commercial Services ENAV Cristiana Cafiero, the Manager of ITA Airways Francesco Presicce, Alessandro Giulivi of Elitaliana, and the President of the AENEAS Consortium Elio Franci. A special thanks goes to CAI and AISE who effectively supported the mission.

Enac President Pierluigi Di Palma expressed satisfaction for the fruitful collaboration that has been established between Italy and Libya in the field of civil aviation. “I thank the President of the Fund for the Reconstruction of Libya Belkasem Haftar for the important and fruitful discussion held yesterday that fulfills the commitments made last December in Enac, allowing the activation, from next June, of the first flight between Rome Fiumicino and Benghazi-Benina, in addition to the direct connections already operated by Ita Airways and Medsky Airways. Further confirmation of the key role of air transport, as a tool to connect people and promote mutual opportunities for economic and commercial growth, but above all to strengthen a bond of friendship between the two countries and myself”.

– Photo Press office Enac –


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