VATICAN CITY (ITALPRESS) – “Acknowledging the fact that, despite all the difficulties of the past, today young people, who represent 30% of the Albanian population, are well integrated and successful in Italian universities is a source of great satisfaction for us”. This was stated by Albanian Foreign Minister Igli Hasani, who participated today, alongside with the Minister of Education Ogerta Manastirliu, the Ambassador to the Holy See Majlinda Frangaj and about one hundred students and academics from the Balkan country, in the General Audience of Pope Francis.
“This day – adds the executive representative interviewed by Gazzetta Diplomatica – represented a very important opportunity for Albanian youth to meet in a moment of peace and reflection. I decided to accompany our university students to His Holiness to underline how much our government gives importance to young people, who obviously constitute the future of Albania. We are proud to have been able to meet the Holy Father, on a day dedicated to brotherhood, which offered interesting insights on the importance of human values and the joint commitment to promoting peace, justice and interreligious dialogue. Symbolically, and otherwise, these moments are very important”.
In the Vatican, ministers Hasani and Manastirliu also met with the Secretary for State Relations and International Organizations, Paul Richard Gallagher.
“On this occasion – explains Hasani – we shared the common appreciation for the excellent diplomatic relations that exist between Albania and the Holy See, which we absolutely want to continue to cultivate”.
– Photo Gazzetta Diplomatica –