Tourism, Santanchè inaugurates “Campus Enrico Mattei” in Egypt

ROME (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanchè has inaugurated the Italian School of Hospitality “Campus Enrico Mattei” in Hurghada, Egypt. The initiative, born in the context of the Mattei Plan for Africa promoted by the Italian government, is implemented by the Ministry of Tourism in collaboration with the Italian School of Hospitality, Federturismo Confindustria, the Italian Embassy in Egypt, PickAlbatros Holding and the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism. The project aims to support the local and international tourism sector, creating highly qualified professionals and promoting the exchange of skills between Italy and Egypt and is part of the broader perspective of cooperation and sustainable development within African countries.

Specifically, creating the “Campus Enrico Mattei” aims to develop managerial skills, promote operational excellence, incentivize innovation and sustainability, and ensure regulatory compliance. All this, through the training of highly qualified professionals in the hospitality sector, with two specializations; in the Management of Food & Beverage (F&B) and kitchen duties and the Management of the guest experience upon arrival and in catering.

Minister Santanchè defined this moment as “historic for the tourism sector in terms of international relations between Italy and Africa, at a time when cooperation and sustainable development are more important than ever.” She added that from today, the young Egyptians are given a new future and will be able to receive high-level training, thanks to Italian tutors and trainers. “They will acquire and strengthen their skills in the tourism sector to improve their job opportunities and meet the demand for a qualified workforce, first and foremost in Egypt, but also Italy, in particular by taking advantage of the regulations that favour the immigration of personnel trained abroad.”

Santanchè explained that this initiative, on the one hand, responds to the needs of the labour market, and on the other contributes to mutual growth. “Investing in training and professionalism in tourism means designing a prosperous sector, capable of generating opportunities and improving quality,” continued the minister, adding, “Italy, which excels in experience and expertise as recognized internationally, is ready to share successful models in training and professionalism in the sector”.

Santanchè concluded, “Considering the importance of training, the Ministry of Tourism has set up a dedicated department. And now, with this project placed in the context of the Mattei Plan, we aim for more international training which will lead to the creation of better experts also by exporting the Italian know-how to the entire Mediterranean region. Not only that: this school can be a bridge for peace because tourism helps people get to know each other and become friends”.

The Italian Ambassador Michele Quaroni declared: “I am particularly proud of the realization of the project of the Italian School of Hospitality in Hurghada to which the Embassy has actively contributed since the Italian Government presented the idea.” He explained, “The School, the result of collaboration between various Italian and Egyptian public and private actors, is a concrete demonstration of the great potential of the Mattei Plan for Africa and of the opportunities that can arise for Egypt and our country from its realization.” Quaroni explained that the school will help strengthen economic ties between the two countries and also promote controlled migration to Italy, with positive repercussions for the tourism industry operators on both sides of the Mediterranean”.

Giulio Contini, General Director of the Italian School of Hospitality announced that 100 students are participating and they will cover over 600 hours of theoretical/practical training with the same learning methodology applied in Italy through the alternation of demonstration lessons, workshops and internships with tutoring. He said that this will increase the awareness of the social impact resulting from the inclusion of local young people in training and job placement projects. “We are grateful to the Ministry of Tourism and all the partners who collaborated to make this project possible”, he added.

The President of Federturismo Confindustria, Marina Lalli reaffirmed how “training is the real ‘key’ in every country to restart the tourism sector and to provide workers with the knowledge and tools to be able to orient themselves in a complex world, but full of opportunities. She also emphasized that the Italian Hospitality School in Hurghada will train young Egyptians according to the Italian quality standards, “a source of great pride and satisfaction for us”. She added that the school inauguration is the result of a great cooperation between Italy and Egypt aimed at supporting the development of the hospitality sector of both countries and facilitating the insertion of these qualified resources into the labour market”.

The President of Pickalbatros, Kamel Abu Ali declared his happiness in welcoming the delegation of the Italian Ministry of Tourism in Hurghada. “This moment marks the success of the positive efforts we have made to bring this project to life. This school, in collaboration with our Italian friends, will provide much-needed qualified workers to the Egyptian and Italian markets. This school represents the historic and fruitful friendship and cooperation between Egypt and Italy”.

– Photo Ministry of Tourismo press office –


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