Maltese government defies EU’s call to stop the golden passaport

VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The Maltese government is challenging the European Union’s appeal to stop the selling of Maltese passports to rich Russians, and instead is insisting the the golden passaport scheme is subject to a thorough and strict procedure.

Maltese Prime Minister Robert Abela is also refusing to divulge the list of Russian citizens who have purchased the Maltese citizenship through the golden passports scheme. The Nationalist opposition, the civil society and anti-money laundering experts are raising concerns about this, especially in the view that the European Union is imposing sanctions on Russia following the invasion of Ukraine.

Meanwhile the Maltese governing is offering humanitairan assistance to Ukranian nationals who are fleeing from Russiàs invasion. Prime Minister Robert Abela announced that the Maltese governement will be offereing oncology services to Ukrainians fleeing the country. “The services will be offered to Ukrainian nationals who have already started chemo or radiation therapy,” expalained Abela.

However, the Nationalist oppostion is calling the government to open the Maltese borders to Ukrainian refugees. Nationalist MEP David Casa who was addressing a political activity as part of the electoral campaign declared: “We cannot be neutral when we see people needlessly dying.” Casa added: “we must open our doors wide open for elderly people who are suffering in Ukraine as the likes of Italy, Slovakia and Romania are doing.”

Meanwhile, Ukrainian nationals returned to Valletta once again protesting and calling for an end to Russiàs invasion of their home country.


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