Ukraine, Malta condems Putin’s decision about Donbass

VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The Maltese government condemned the decision of the Russian Federation to formally recognise the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk territories.
The Foreign Affairs Ministry said in a statement that the decision breached Ukrainès territorial integrity and sovereignty and is inconsistent with the Principles of the United Nations Charter, while it also breaches the Minsk Agreement and undermines the possibility of a diplomatic solution.
It said that, together with the European Union, Malta reiterated its support towards Ukrainès sovereignty and territorial integrity within recognised international borders, and also the sovereign right to choose its own foreign and security policy.
The Foreign Ministry stated that Malta is also concerned on the increase of bombs reported around the contact line, thus leading to an increase in victims and the number of ceasefire breaches registered by the OSCE’s Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine.
Malta strongly reiterated that dialogue and diplomacy should prevail and followed by all sides, while the ministry added that in this critical moment, Malta is also having contacts with European partners.
Once more, Malta called for a peaceful solution to the Eastern Ukraine conflict, according to the Minsk Agreement approved by the UN Security Council resolution 2202 (2015), and invited all parties to sustain their engagements, respect international law and return to discussions within the Normandy Format and the Group of Trilateral Contact.

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